When I went to college my grandfather told me to take as many writing classes as possible. (I did just that, wrote for the college newspaper, and eventually finished as the Sports Editor.) He said, “Everybody needs to write, no matter what they do in life.” That was pretty good advice.
Other than grad school papers I haven’t written for an audience since my time at the college newspaper. That was almost twenty years ago. The last couple years I’ve had a growing urge to write again. Then I heard the author and marketing guru Seth Godin say everybody should blog everyday. He said on his blog, “For years, I’ve been explaining to people that daily blogging is an extraordinarily useful habit. Even if no one reads your blog, the act of writing it is clarifying, motivating and (eventually) fun.” This seemed like pretty sound reasoning, so I decided to jump into the deep end.
I’m going to start blogging today. This isn’t necessarily a New Year’s Resolution, because I’ve never had much success in that area. My goal is to blog every day for one year and see where it takes me. Some posts will be brief, and others will be longer. This will be a tool for me to reflect, explore, and share ideas about all things education.
Hopefully some read this and find it useful. Hopefully this helps clarify some ideas and motivates everybody in this blog community. Hopefully this (eventually) gets fun.
Happy New Year, and Happy New Blog!
I’m reading your blog and enjoying it. Miss working with you, Mike.
Thanks, Deb! Miss working with you too. You’ll see a lot of your influence in some of my writing. Let me know if you have any ideas for posts. Hope you’re having a great 2020!