One Word for 2020

I’ve seen many people sharing their One Word Challenge for 2020 and found so many inspiring. The idea is you choose a word to guide you through the year. My ten-year-old daughter even chose one for an assignment in school – positive. So I’ve decided to choose a word of my own for 2020. There are some big personal goals I’d like to achieve in 2020 – blog every day, read 50 books, run a sub-24:00 5k, etc. With this in mind, the word I’m going to choose for 2020 is intentional.

I want to be intentional with my time.

I want to be intentional with my relationships.

I want to be intentional with what I eat.

I want to be intentional with my sleep.

I want to be intentional with exercise.

Here’s to an intentional 2020.

4 thoughts on “One Word for 2020”

  1. My word for 2020 is cultivate.
    I want to cultivate a culture and climate of risk taking by our teachers and students.
    I want to cultivate leadership amongst my administrators and teachers.
    I want to cultivate relationships among all stakeholders
    I want to cultivate my own learning so I can inspire and lead others
    I want to cultivate my personal relationships with my family and to thoroughly enjoy and cherish my time with them.

    Thanks Mike for inspiring me to reflect!

    1. Chris,

      I love the word cultivate. Thanks for sharing and being an inspiration for your teachers, staff, and students!

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