What Do You Need at This Moment?

Last week I posted my One Word for 2020 – intentional. It seemed the perfect tool to help guide and focus me this year. Just a few days later I read a blog post by Mandy Froehlich titled “Why I’m Not Choosing A #OneWord.”

In years past she chose one word for the year because that was what she needed at that time. Ms. Froehlich didn’t chose a word this year because she’s “doing different things that work for [her] at this time and that is totally okay.”

She shares an alternative idea to the #OneWord which is a 3-2-1-2-3 pattern:

3 Places I want to go
2 Ways I can help others
1 Thing I want to get better at
2 Things I am looking forward to
3 New things I want to try

I love the idea of a 3-2-1-2-3 pattern, but it’s the reasoning for her change that really caught my attention – doing what works for you at that time. We should all do what works for us, and our students, at any particular time. It’s easy to get caught up in what others are doing, but that might not be the best thing for you at that moment. It’s important to be intentional with what we’re doing in our personal lives, our classrooms, with relationships, and with our downtime. That’s why I chose intentional as my #OneWord, but there’s a good chance I’ll think about the 3-2-1-2-3 a little more as well.